Tomatis® Sound Training – Level 3

When: to be announced for 2024


This is an intensive course consisting of 8 live webinars of 3h each. These live sessions will allow you to review the most important theoretical aspects and answer all the questions you may have. As a Tomatis® Practitioner, you learnt how to apply the Tomatis® Method efficiently. As a Tomatis® Consultant, you will learn how to create your own programs for better results. After months of practice of the Method, you are now ready to take your expertise to the next level and become a Tomatis® Consultant Level 3. This L3 training will take you a step further in the knowledge of the Method. You will learn the key parameters of the programming technique: the different speeds of Gating (“Delay”, “Precession”), the “higher” filters, the slopes of these filters… You will be fascinated by the laterality and the power of the audio -vocal work. At the end of this L3 training, you will be able to provide your clients with tailor -made Tomatis® programs perfectly suited to their needs. You will be the decision maker in the program creation process and able to work with even more efficiency.

Outline / Agenda:

to be announced for 2024

Learning Objectives:

The workshop participant will be able to:

  • Start creating your own Tomatis® programs, tailor-made for your clients’ needs including laterality and active work
  • Perform a laterality test and work with the balance function

Training Objectives:

  • Review some relevant information about the Tomatis® Method (the ear, the parameters…)
  • Add some new parameters to your daily practice in order to improve the results with your clients: different speed of gating (delay and precession), higher filters, different slopes of filtering.
  • Perform the laterality test on the Listening Test and adjust the balance between the ears
  • Execute in-depth analysis of the Listening Test results of your clients
  • Learn how to draw up an individualized program according to the client’s Listening profile as evaluated by the Listening Test
  • Introduce the audio-vocal feedback and Active Work with TalksUp® and microphone
  • Learn how to design programs that include both passive and active sessions
  • Discover new functions of TalksUp® Level 3 Program Manager
  • Quick start with practical exercises

Provider Name: Tomatis® Developpement SA (TDSA – Luxembourgh)

Presenter: Maude Le Roux OTR/L, SIPT, CTC, ADHD-CCSP, DIR-FT Expert Trainer

Bio: Maude Le Roux is an occupational therapist with an extensive following of professionals across the globe. She studies human development in different capacities of growth; spanning ages and stages, neuroanatomy, assessment tools as well as current trends of intervention. Maude completed her initial training in the Tomatis® Method in 2003 and has been training in this method internationally since 2009. She completed the SIPT training in 2002 and Sensory Integration forms the foundation from which she continues to develop different tracks of assessment and intervention. Maude is certified in multiple different techniques that she applies uniquely through her Developmental Pathways Model (DPM). She owns and directs a clinical practice in Glen Mills, PA, where she has a team of dedicated professionals, many of whom had been with her over 10 years as well as being with her since inception of her practice in 2001. Her requirement for practice is a warm, embracing atmosphere operated through clinical expertise and professionalism that will provide quality of care to all entering her practice. She gives back to her community by serving on different boards and currently serves on the Board of Directors for ATTACh, a national organization dedicated to serve families and children with attachment related difficulties and trauma informed care. She co-authored the book “Our Greatest Allies” in 2011 with Lauren O’Malley describing the journey of one autistic child.

Special Needs Accommodation: Tomatis® Developpement SA (TDSA – Luxembourgh)

Cancellation policy: Tomatis® Developpement SA (TDSA – Luxembourgh)

Location: Live online

Target Audience: Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Educators, Psychologists, Social Work professionals, Parents

Educational Level: Intermediate

Pre-Requisites: 4-year degree in related field. Open to all Level 2 Practioners: All you need is an upgrade of your TalksUp® device for Level 3

Number of Participants: Unlimited

Instructional Methods: Video, PowerPoint, Discussion

Course Completion Requirement: Test to be completed

Certificate: Completion of the Tomatis® Training Level 3 and purchase of the equipment and license will give you the certified status of Tomatis® Consultant Level 3. Should the license be terminated, the Level 3 certification will be also terminated. The training alone does not provide Tomatis® Consultant Level 3 status.

Contact Hours: 12 hours

Fee: contact [email protected] or [email protected]


Yes. Thank you! The training has so much information. So essential afterwards to consider the theory application in a holistic way through real life cases. It is also a safe place to ask questions and be vulnerable about what you do not know/need clarification on. The group dynamic is very supportive and encouraging.
Sanette Louwrens, USA

Maude has a talent to take very complicated concepts, breaking them down and explaining it really well and showing where it fits into your current body of knowledge and practise.
Leani Kemp, South Africa

You really are such a blessing to this community and an awesome fund of knowledge!!
Very best wishes, love and thanks,
Jo Rogers, Zimbabwe

Maude is a very capable communicator and is able to share her very expansive subject expertise and experience in an excellent way. I enjoy how Maude adds examples and also talks to the subject rather than just reading back what is written on the PowerPoint. All participant questions are addressed and acknowledged.
Julianne Swanepoel, New Zealand

Maude has a gift of sharing her extensive knowledge in an organised sequential manner that joins dots and leads to greater understanding and insights. Her courses always leave me feeling inspired! Thank you, Maude.
Celina Quintal-Steytler, South Africa