
Cerebellar Ataxia - Case Study
This report describes the case of a young boy with a medical diagnosis of cerebellar ataxia who progressed from needing a wheelchair to walking with hand held assistance...

Leading the way for treating children on the autism spectrum
TOccupational Therapists have much to offer the world of autism in the realm of treatment as well as understanding...

Applied Floortime
The genius of Dr. Stanley Greenspan, author of the Developmental, Individual Differences, and Relationship model (DIR), lay in his ability to understand the development of the natural human mind...

The Interactive Metronome - the big deal about timing in the brain
Timing in the brain is an involved and invaluable process necessary for speech, coordination...

A Meltdown “Recipe”
How to deal with frustration without losing your sanity (or mind?) Maude Le Roux, OTR/L – Article for “Adoption Today” in July / August 2018 The ideal of a secure relationship between child and parent/caretaker...

The DIR®/Floortime™ Approach and Sensory Integration
All children have within them the potential to be great kids. It’s our job to create a great world where this potential can flourish Stanley...

Executing Planful Behavior depends on early Sensory Motor development and Praxis
Executive behavior is what we would like to see in all children; to have a goal, to plan...

Overcoming Developmental Delay
Equipping the Child, Empowering the Parent When Andrew came to A Total Approach, what he wanted most of all is not to be put in a new and novel....

Praxis and Language
Praxis and Language, do they co-exist? If they do, how do we understand this in every day sessions with every day caseloads? Do we talk to the children we have in our therapy rooms...

The Developmental Pathways Model
Within every child lies a natural yearning to learn. We have to look beyond what we can see to realize each child’s potential. Andrew sat next to his favorite teacher...

The Learning Ready Brain
In order to understand how a student learns in an academic environment, we also have to understand our expectations of the student and the level of expertise in the profile...

Tomatis Sound Training
Studying pre-and post-test results Tomatis Sound Training is the original training invented by Dr. Alfred Tomatis in the 1960’s. It continues to be the only sound...

Understanding Colin
Behavior is Communication Though cautious, his mother’s voice spoke of pain and anxiety for her child. “His behaviors rule our house, we lock our doors, he destroys everything”...

Functional Developmental Autism Assessment Protocol
Families often come to DIR/Floortime to build healthy foundations for social, emotional, and intellectual capacities...

From Sensory Processing to Executive Functioning
Overview: Children develop into becoming students; they do not simply gain the skill through cognitive thinking only. There is a certain...

The Tomatis® Method and Autism Spectrum Disorder
The Beginning I was introduced to the world of sound in 2001, soon after opening my private practice as an occupational therapist. At that time...

How to Spot Motor Skills & Coordination Issues
What happens when you cannot plan your body to correspond with your cognitive skill? Listen as our guest expert and accomplished...