Sensory Processing and Reading Skill

When:March 6, 2024


Reading is a complicated process of networks in the brain that would take a visual symbol and translate it auditorily into a structure that conveys meaning. We are not born with a specific location in our brain to read, it is a skill that depends on developing nervous system pathways during our early years so we could be ready for this application to reading. This one-day workshop will demystify this unfolding of development to support children regarding decoding as well as comprehension skills. Together we will consider reading fluency, reading rate as well as consider the important work of working memory required for the act of reading. Assessment will be discussed in brief, though included would be multiple intervention ideas to support children in acquiring the necessary building blocks to support educators and struggling readers. It is the team approach between the therapist, educator and parents that enhances the possibility for students to thrive.

Outline / Agenda

8.00 to 9.30am            Reading and Reading Fluency

9.30 to 10.30am          Reading Comprehension and Working Memory

10.30 to 10.45am        Break

10.45 to 11.15am        Developmental Assessment Considerations

11.15 to 12.15pm        Intervention strategies

12.15 to 1.00pm          Lunch

1.00 to 2.00pm            Sensory Processing Tenets of Reading

2.00 to 3.00pm            Intervention Strategies

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe 5 different components of reading proficiency.
  2. List the involvement of 3 prominent sensory influences in the skill of reading.
  3. Extrapolate how working memory skills influences reading comprehension and how to impact on it.
  4. Recognize the importance of considering 7 sensory tenets in building the readiness of reading skill.
  5. Implement 20+intervention strategies to support reading proficiency.

Assessment: Completion of Feedback Form

Provider Name: The Maude Le Roux Academy

Presenter: Maude Le Roux, OTR/L, SIPT

Bio: Maude is an international trainer on a variety of different topics. She hails from South Africa, graduated in 1984, and opened her learning center in Pennsylvania, USA in 2001. Her work and training stems from the theory of Sensory Integration, as it applies to all areas of functional every-day living. She opened the Maude Le Roux Academy in January 2019 as her travel schedule disallowed her the pleasure of feeling “grounded” in her own home! Maude accomplished multiple certifications throughout the years and continues her journey of being a life- long learner. She believes in giving back to her community and has served on the Board of Directors for ATTACh for the past 7 years. Maude co-authored the book, Our Greatest Allies, with Lauren O’Malley and hopes to find the time in the next 5 years to finish another book she has been laboring over. Her wish is for every therapist to come fully into their own being, be their authentic selves, so their clients can transition from sometimes fragmented places to a new sense of wholeness.

Special Needs Accommodation: As per [email protected]

Cancellation policy:  As per [email protected]

Location: Online

Target Audience: Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Physical Therapists, Social Workers, Psychologists, Educators

Educational Level: Intermediary

Instructional Methods: PowerPoint, Group Discussion, Video

Contact Hours: 6 hours

Fee: As per [email protected]


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