Interoception Body awareness from the inside out


Introspection has become quite the “buzz” word today as more research emerge with regards to its’ connection to the gut, the insula, and the brain. This workshop will cover pertinent research from A.D. Craig, as we will also discuss assessment and intervention from an SI perspective. Included will be a discussion on the Polyvagal Theory of Dr. S. Porges and  all will be brought together in a practical way, making the science sensible to use in every day sessions. This workshop will also include noted comments on Mindfulness practice and the use of “quieting the mind” to influence body awareness, praxis and occupational function. Whether you are coming from a social-emotional perspective or postural-praxis perspective, this “theory to practice” workshop will influence your thinking in chasing the “why” in your clients in both assessment and intervention

Outline / Agenda:

8.30 am Registration

9.00 am Interoception, Insula and the Brain   

10.30 am Morning Break

10.50 am Application of the Polyvagal Theory

12.30 pm Lunch

1.30 pm Assessment

2.30 pm Intervention

3.15 pm Afternoon Break

3.30 pm Intervention

4.15 pm Adjourn

Workshop participants will be able to:

  • Describe 5 significant markers of interoception
  • List 3 major factors to consider with regards to interoception and social-emotional functioning
  • Discuss the overlap between Polyvagal theory and interoception
  • Discover 3 tools to support assessment of interoception
  • Include multiple techniques with regards to interoceptioninto the therapist toolbox


Presenter:Maude Le Roux OTR/L, IMC, SIPT, CTC, DIR-FT Expert Trainer


Bio: Maude Le Roux is an occupational therapist with an extensive following of professionals across the globe. She completed the SIPT training in 2002 and Sensory Integration forms the foundation from which she continues to develop different tracks of assessment and intervention. Maude is certified in multiple different techniques that she applies uniquely through her Developmental Pathways Model (DPM). She completed a 15-hour course on the Polyvagal Theory through Deb Dana as well as included Kelly Mahler’s work in her practice for the past 4 years. She owns and directs a clinical practice in Glen Mills, PA, where she has a team of dedicated professionals, many of whom had been with her over 10 years as well as being with her since inception of her practice in 2001. Her requirement for practice is a warm, embracing atmosphere operated through clinical expertise and professionalism that will provide quality of care to all entering her practice. She gives back to her community by serving on different boards and currently serves on the Board of Directors for ATTACh, a national organization dedicated to serve families and children with attachment related difficulties and trauma informed care. She co-authored the book “Our Greatest Allies” in 2011 with Lauren O’Malley describing the journey of one autistic child.


Target Audience: Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Educators, Psychologists, Social Work professionals, Parents

Educational Level: Intermediate